
Bethesda Therapy & Wellness is not in network with insurance companies. Being out of network allows us to offer the highest quality of care to our clients- concierge care. Having a concierge private practice allows us to tailor therapies, techniques, and services precisely to your specific requirements and objectives. It also enables us to be more accessible to your needs and flexible with appointment times if you wish to change the frequency of your sessions. In addition, concierge care means that we are available by text and email much more since we are not limited to the guidelines of insurance carriers.

For clients who are interested in reimbursement for services, we do offer superbills. Depending on your health plan, a portion of each session fee may be covered and reimbursement may be given once you send your insurance company a superbill.

We accept all major credit cards as well as payment from Flexible Spending Accounts (FSA) and Health Savings Account (HSA).

If you are interested in finding out whether you qualify for reimbursement from your health insurance, the following steps can be taken:

  1. 1.Call the mental health number on the back of your insurance card.
  2. 2.Ask “what are my out of network benefits when seeing a provider out of network?” If they answer with a percentage, your insurance will cover that percentage of each therapy session.
  3. 3.If your insurance company asks for our billable codes, feel free to let them know that we use codes 90791 for intake sessions, 90834 for individual sessions, and 90847 for couples or family sessions.
Good Faith Estimate- No Surprises Act
