Our Intake Process

Our journey with you begins as soon as you have scheduled your intake appointment with us. You will then receive a portal invitation. The portal is where you can find all the information you need, including your intake forms, session reminders, and superbills for insurance reimbursement. We kindly ask that you complete your paperwork at least twenty four hours prior to your intake session. We are committed to providing an insightful and helpful first session and receiving your paperwork ahead of time allows us to do this.

Intake Sessions

Intake sessions are an opportunity for us to truly understand what is happening in your world and in what areas we can best support you. Intake sessions are guided by your therapist as they prompt you with questions to get an accurate, complete picture and timeline of your life. Once your fifty minute intake session is complete, your therapist will provide you individualized recommendations on areas to work on, which therapeutic modality may be most beneficial for you, and a recommended session frequency. We also seek your thoughts and collaborate with you to form the best treatment plan. Intake sessions are also your time to ask any questions you may have about the process or about your therapist.

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